
Presentation of “DEMIX Atlante delle Periferie Metropolitane ” Biennale di Venezia

Federica Galloni – director of MIBACT Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Periferies – is officially presenting “DEMIX. ATLANTE DELLE PERIFERIE METROPOLITANE” (DEMIX. ATLANS ABOUT METROPOLITAN PHERIPHERIES), the result of a research carried out by KCity – Rigenerazione Urbana, during the “Architect Festival” 2016, Saturday 19th November at Venice Biennale.

The MIBACT Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Peripheries General Directorate (DGAAP) aimed to propose a vision of the contemporary urban periphery, by using an instrument to address the requalification policies. Thus, KCity – Rigenerazione urbana s.r.l. has been commissioned to conceptualize and realize an atlas embedded with new perspectives over the peripheries’ phenomena.

The atlas has been constructed through the collection and elaboration of homogenous data in the context of 9 Italian metropolitan cities. It deepens the allocation activities and the available services to citizens within the various metropolitan territorial areas. The atlas valuates the peripheral conditions measuring the physical distance of the territorial area from some categories of activities and services considered fundamental to define the urban nature of physical spaces (city effect). This as a coherent result of the most recent debates over the policies of requalification which identifies the functional mix as fundamental factor to define urban quality.

The atlas represent a useful instrument of analysis for policy makers because:

  • It allows the recognition and distinguish of the variety of “non-places”, being characterized by the total absence of any kind of services for the citizens or by the presence of mono-functional districts (such as the commercial districts).
  • It allows to identify the lucking functional categories in detail and consequently which activities should be object of political dynamics to promote a new functional urban balance.

The program of the event: http://festadellarchitetto.awn.it/FDA2016-programma-DEF10nov2016.pdf

The Atlas will be available online on the MIBACT Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Peripheries General Directorate website at a future date. http://www.aap.beniculturali.it/