Exploratory survey on the green areas management of the city of Bergamo
A number of green areas in the city of Bergamo were assigned to direct management care and are presently posing a management problem. The Consorzio (Consortium) Solco Città Aperta claims that, under certain conditions, these areas might represent an opportunity for urban policies innovation. Therefore the Consorzio commissioned KCity to do a research into more than sixty similar areas, of different size and characteristics, in order to identify their potential.
The problem was tackled by focusing on the analysis of processes and actorship, which generate transformations in the urban context. Green areas were considered as meeting points of plural subjects, as well as places where different problem representations emerge, and where diversified resources may be applied. In order to aggregate extremely heterogeneous situations, green areas were analyzed not only from a spatial perspective, but also from a functional, territorial and managerial-organizational view, investigating various impact spheres (social, economic, environmental, cultural).