Trigger the Urban Regeneration of the Former Chemical Pole in Castellanza

For the drafting of the observations within the PGT variant procedure, KCity has been commissioned by CHEMISOL SRL and the other owners of the area of the former chemical cluster to coordinate a strategic participatory design path by implementing the Building Communities format (already successfully tested in Ferrara), developing innovative models in order to conveying virtuous synergies between public and private.

In physical-morphological terms, the project aims to promote the creation of a quality urban environment that can foster the emergence of a new social centrality through: the creation of a new “piece” of city oriented to the “mending” in the morphological sense of the settlement fabric in relation to its more immediate surroundings (Nucleo di Antica Formazione delle vie Roma, Pochiroli e Garibaldi); the adoption of urban and architectural solutions of formal aesthetic quality; the creation of large “open” spaces and facilities for sociality, community aggregation and cultural promotion and development.

Download the project file (PDF)