New approaches to living quality

Experimental path for the revision of the building code

The project stems from the “School of Best Practices. Virtuous environmental actions in municipalities” initiative, promoted by Legautonomie and co-funded by Fondazione Cariplo (call for tender on Environmental Sustainability 2011). KCity supported the Municipality of Caselle Lurani in internal brainstorming process and preliminary debate with some privileged partners (builders, local associations, inhabitants) with the purpose of pinpointing rules, suggestions and incentives for new living standards, and with the final goal to promote integration and create renewed sociability forms in the newly developed neighborhoods. The project identified some possible issues deserving particular attention that are closely related to the quality of living. It encouraged discussion on new tools enhancing new settlements visibility and fostering social relationships and integration. Moreover, the project aimed at provisioning criteria for a definition of standards to be included in an annex to the building code of Caselle Lurani (even if its review was not included in the assignment).

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